
Friday, 5 December 2008

buy handmade!

i was just mooching about on flickr minding my own business when i found this gorgeous and totally appropriate doll made by imagingermonkey
i say totally appropriate because it was my bestest friends baby daughters first birthday a couple of days later and her extremely cute little girl is called "Holly" as was said dolly!
and it has no buttons or bits baby Holly will chew off - yeah!! Well i HAD to buy her, didn't i?

i think she got here just in time - you can see in these photo's she arrived to beautiful sunshine - yeah it's cold but if you look on her creators blog they had SNOW i'm pretty jealous actually we don't get snow maybe 'cause of the salt air?

it was lovely to see one of gingermonkeys creations in the flesh/fabric!
the whole family loved her
especially my son who said "oooohh she is really coot if you bought me one of dem it would sleep in my bed"
hmmmmm d'ya think that's a subtle hint?
anyhow i'd highly recommend one of these cute dollies
it feels good!


  1. adorable dolly... that Katy is one talented lady! *minion emoticon*

    H adores the vampire doll she made him and I would steal him if I could...

  2. Katys things are lush.
    I bought one of her horsey things for a friends baby and I really wanted to keep it.

  3. We have a dolly too (Evie) which DD takes to bed every night without fail. She certainly is one talented lady

  4. oh, what a pretty doll... i love that. i just wanted to let you know that i nominated you for an award on my blog. check it out when you have a minute! hugs.
