
Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Primrose Corner blog giveaway winner!

i have been so lucky lately

look what i won

four funky fat quarters

i love how they are folded

and some lovely buttons ric-rac and clips

i won these beauties from the Primrose Corner blog giveaway

and here is Julia's website
with loads of mouth watering fabrics and sewing essentials

thanks again Julia x

quick go enter some giveaways
someone's got to win and it may just be you!

"polish doll update"

Alice got her hair done!
It is a slight bee-hive do
with a very fancy vintage diamonte
button and ribbon trim to match her sash.
Much tidier but still a bit wild
so after a comment on Flickr from GingerMonkey
she is now christened Alice Winehouse.

Sunday, 26 July 2009

"polish doll"

My lovely Mum bought me this
sweet polish doll for my birthday

i'd been after one for ages
my Grandma had one
and i used to like
to play with it when i was little

she has wild hair but a sweet face
and i had a plan for a new frock!

oh yes it involved a vintage doily of course!

poor dolly stripped of her clothes
and looking a little worried

i took a cut-work vintage doily
and cut out a small circle

then i hemmed it to form a waistband

i used a running stitch and left the threads uncut

then i had dolly try it on for size

then i got to play with my lace and trims stash
i found the perfect little trim for the bodice

and some vintage blue ribbon for a sash

i then sewed the trim together in a "v" at the front placed it on dolly and did the same at the back,
next i tucked the bodice into her skirt and sewed it on to the waistband after pulling tight the running stitches on the waistband and tying them off.

I could've glued this but i may just want to re-dress her in the future

i then added the blue ribbon sash
with a generous bow at the back

now i just need to tame her crazy hair!
and perhaps add a button {or two}

I think i will call her Alice.

Friday, 24 July 2009


yesterday i received a letter from the nursery -

"After a particularly short period of notice from the LEA (4 weeks) to introduce the transition document, It is with regret that on this occasion the person responsible for ****'s documents did not produce something more positive. I have read the document and am inclined to agree that from what i've seen of ****, the document did not adequately reflect his achievements. This is such a shame as his time here has been a time of great learning and very positive. I also feel that the staff where under pressure by the LEA to produce these documents before the end of term, and as a result have made errors of judgement.

Therefore, i have discussed the transition document with the staff concerned, to ensure that they are completed appropriately. May i take this oppertunity to thank you for bringing this matter to my attention, and pleas accept my most sincere apologies for any distress this may have caused you."

hmmm . . . i think she is passing the buck. Plus as manager she should have "managed".
But i am really pleased that i did get this apology, not sure if i'm satified but i think i need to put it behind me now.

Thank you all for your comments and for taking time to read my post it really helped me x

LEA = local education authority.

Tuesday, 21 July 2009


i've had a funny old week
actually there was nothing funny about it it was bittersweet.
my son finished pre-school /nursery this week as he starts big school in September. On tuesday at pre-school i was given his scrapbooks to take home - if we like we can give them to his new teacher to read. I looked through them as soon as i got home, they were lovely and captured the personality of
my son, lovely examples of his work, funny little things he'd said, great photo's of him enjoying school life with friends and teachers, i was left with warm fuzzy feelings and little proud tears in my eyes.

On Wednesday i took him to Nursery {he goes to two different settings to get his whole five session entitlement} i was handed his transition document to read and sign, this document would then be sent on to his new school to show what developmental le
vel he is at, as i began to read it in the busy nursery enviroment little alarm bells were going off in my head, i said i couldn't concentrate and would take it away to read and sign at home.
What a difference a day makes the warm fuzzies were replaced with a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach and floods of angry tears, i could not believe the crap i was reading, i made my partner read i
t too and he was angered by it too. My son has slight speech and language difficulties he has help at school and has been attending a weekly workshop and is improving greatly. The nursery have really dwelled on this in the transition document and it was really negative reading - basically it said his speech problem was alienating him from his peers and that he was a fringe member of the group, it also said he finds it difficult to effectively engage with adults, a lot of his "grades" put him at a 22-36 month level.
Now none of this is tr
ue it was ridulous reading - his key-worker has obviously not made an effort get to know him properly and that made me so sad as he's been there for 14 months, luckily he has loved his time there and was very sad when his last day came, it was hard for me to send him in after reading that report to be honest. On his last day i took in a two-page letter voicing my concerns, told the worker i wasn't signing the document as i wasn't happy with what had been writen, i was offered a chance to discuss it but declined, mainly because i was still pretty tearful thinking about it and took home his "learning journey" book to read there were about five pages in it, they weren't negative but fairly bland. I'm waiting for a response to my letter.
The transition document from pre-school was very positive and in several catergories marked him at ELG {early learning goals} which put him beyond the level expected at his age. Not that i care what level he is at - i honestly don't but he should be represented accurately.
nyway - i'm sorry for that very rambling and personal post but i just needed to get it out of my system if you know what i mean?

on a more cheery note they had an end of term "BUG PARTY" don't look at the photo's if you are scared of bugs!

giant snails!

rosie the tarantula!

i held this snake too!

here is the bag my son made for his teacher

he was very proud of it

and here he is with his lovely key-worker at pre-school who made the lovely scrapbooks that gave me the warm fuzzies.


Monday, 13 July 2009

My birthday!

half-past-six in the morning
my son is stomping up the stairs shouting
"happy birthday Mummy"
but he brought me this gorgeous painting
so i'll let him off the way too early start!

the painting is of me and the baby i mind in her pink pushchair!
Derek got me a fantastic new camera
which is the newer version of mine in PINK
and a cd and a boxed set of Doctor Who {swoon}
My daughter was more civilised
and brought my gifts
{a huge tea mug and thornton's truffles yummy!}
with a lovely cup of tea at a more reasonable time!

so after a leisurely morning and a visit from a friend bearing flowers
we headed off to Bude for shopping and a pic-nic lunch
hmmm i don't like the look of those clouds

this is my favourite shop in Bude
it is jam-packed full of textiles and jewellery and nick-nacks!

after a few shops the rain started gently
and then the heavens opened!

cornish pasties in the car instead of on the canal bank!
rain or not we had a lovely time
and i got a new dress for a wedding in August
so feel very relieved that is sorted
(obviously i will NEED new shoes too!)
there is a great fabric/haberdashery shop in Bude
but we were running out of time on the parking ticket
so i did a five minute look - i will have to go back soon!

when we got home there was a lovely parcel waiting for me from MeridianAriel
with a gorgeous needle book in the fabric i've been lusting over
a lavender sachet a beautiful card
and some vintage darning thread
all wrapped up in pattern paper and baker's twine.

my Mum joined us for a chinese take out for tea
and my Aunt & Uncle popped round with more gifts of chocolate
and we all ate too many cakes and biscuits!

and to top off a perfect day it was the TORCHWOOD finale
Oh my god - did you watch it?
i loved it but am still feeling a little haunted!

Saturday, 11 July 2009

crochet doily brooch crazy!

my blog views have gone crazy this last week!
all because of this brooch

from this post

I love to add my photo's to flickr and join the relevant groups for my projects
i added the brooch photo to the CRAFT pool

where it was picked up on and featured in Craftzine

i got loads of views on my blog
so checked my sitemeter

to find out where they were all coming from

as i'd never had so many views before!

Then Anne {thank-you Anne!} posted a comment telling me she had added a link to my blog on
Craft Gossip Sewing

cue loads more blog hits!

and then i found loads more visits
from this French blog

i also found a few more links to it on my site meter
and it was stumbledupon too!

this just shows the power of the internet
and how fast ideas can spread in this day and age!

so i'd like to say a BIG thank-you to anyone who has linked to my blog and my creations
it has made me feel really proud of my work
and inspired me to crack on
and make more "stuff"


Thursday, 9 July 2009

vintage doily tote bag

so following on with the doily theme. . . .

take one plain natural cotton tote bag
{available from the lovely Vonnie's Folksy shop - Blottedcopybook's store of wonders - only £5.00 for 5 !}

pin on a pretty vintage embroidered doily -
then remember you need to sew on some buttons
{vintage of course!}

sew on the buttons, through the doily but not through the bag

machine stitch your doily to your tote with contrasting cotton,
i used different colours for top and bobbin threads
{try not to get too cross with your dumb-ass sewing machine}

select a small crochet doily from the ever expanding pile
using a matching co
tton hand sew the doily to the centre of the first doily
remembering too late you should have don
e this before sewing on the first doily, sigh.
select a beautiful vintage mother-of-pearl button
to adorn the centre of the second doily
sew on with contrasting emb
roidery thread.

there you go - a cool new shopping bag!

unfortunately my photo's aren't so great this post
due to busy day with work and bad light
when i got the time to photograph
but you get the idea!
i will definately do the next bag in the right order!
you can click on any of the photo's for close up views!

Sunday, 5 July 2009


I thought i should share this wonderful flickr find!
These designs are from the company Sumptuosity
and i think they are absolutely beautiful.

they are not buttons but button brooches
they come in a range of fantastic designs
i think they look great in a set of three
and would look amazing on my black winter coat!

i think this was the first design i noticed and
i was totally amazed by the detail on them

these quirky little birds are soooo cute
i love the colours and fabrics used
the silk looks so luxurious

super sexy ruby slippers!

i love these too
so detailed and bang on trend too,

{have you seen the images for the new Alice in Wonderland film?
drink me!
Quick go and look it's swoontastic!}

see more of suptuosity's gorgeous photo's here

Friday, 3 July 2009

vintage crochet brooch

As i'm sure you've noticed i LOVE shopping in my local charity shops!
I keep finding these gorgeous vintage doilies for bargain prices
i can't crochet myself - so i can only guess at how many hours of work
must go into these beautiful and intricate designs,
it seems rude to leave them in the shops gathering dust
so i've been snapping them up and stashing them away!

available in my Folksy shop or my Etsy shop

so the other day after finding some more pretties
i got out my doily stash and had a play
and here's what i came up with

it is a rather large brooch -
i was going to make it even bigger
but would've needed to stiffen the larger doilies
i think it will look great on a plain top or jacket
and fantastic on a bag
{i'm going to embellish some calico totes next}

to make it -
i tea-dyed the smaller doily to give a better contrast
and sewed the two doilies together with a vintage button in the centre
and stitched a brooch clasp on the back.

so next time you're in the charity shop/thrift store
and see some un-loved doilies,
don't ignore them - snap 'em up!


more doily fashion here
meridian ariel's Etsy shop

Wednesday, 1 July 2009

passion for fabrics - if only i could sew!

i LOVE fabric
i don't know why because i can't even sew and my sewing machine can reduce me to tears or send me into fits of rage!
but i really do love fabric, especially if it has a vin
tage haberdashery theme to it!
i found this lovely button card fabric when i was visiting
Vintage Fern's blog
it is from
Karaku Style at Etsy
there are way to many cute japanese prints and really lovely rubber stamps
in tha
t shop!

gorgeous button cards

snippety snip

photo stolen from MeridianAriel's post here

there is a lovely post about fabric and fabric giveaway over at Primrose Corner