well i didn't mean to take a blogging break
but it appears i haven't posted for a month
hmmmm . . . . . .
i have been suffering with crafty paralysis
i've been making bits here and there
but nothing is gelling together
it's driving me quite a lot crazy
i've been trying to get my latest swap finished
i've had all the stuff made for awhile
once i'd decided what i was going to do
and that took a stupidly long time
but just can't get it how i want it
i think i have crafting OCD
i sure as hell don't have it in the housework department
only the very bare minimum day to day chores have been getting done
but the sun has been shining here now for days and days
it is still very cold and Jack Frost is still about
but the Guinea piggles have been mowing the lawn again
and washing has been drying on the line
i think it's really happening
i think Spring has sprung . . . . . .
Learning to Knit? Try a Garter Stitch Washcloth
10 hours ago
i have blogged more in the last week and a half that I have most of the winter. I think I'm waking up now that there have been a few sunny days and a bit of warmth. though it was frosty last night. I need the sun back and then I will be fine and dandy and happy.
I finished my swap on Friday but only just. and I'm so glad to have finished it as i stressed so much about it. and now I'm mostly calm. but cold. brr.. i think I need a cup of tea.
Glad ur back posting - I was wondering where you'd got too! Spring is definately trying to break through, I keep buying daffodils at the minute as a sort of talisman against winter I think!
I love your post...like a real stream of consciousness. Resonates with me bigtime as you know I suffer a lot from blogging paralysis. Well, paralysis in general!!!
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