Friday, 11 December 2009

Christmas Suffolk Puff ball

After making the pink puff ball
i decided
i needed to make a more christmas coloured one

i love it!

here's a tutorial

what i used:
a 5" bauble
six different fabrics
i made about 17 puffs - 1.5" - 2" & 2.5"
enough buttons for the puffs
sewing threads and needles
ribbon for hanging

step one - make lots of suffolk puffs in different sizes and fabrics

step two - add buttons to the centres to cover the hole

step three - start sewing* the puffs together keep
trying them on the bauble to check they are in the right place
When the bauble was about half way covered i realised that i needed
some different fabric puffs because i didn't want the same fabric to meet.
It starts to get a bit trickier here as you need to pull and stitch the puffs together trying to
avoid any of the bauble to show through

* it would save time if you glued the puffs on but i didn't want to *

step four - keep going pulling, overlapping and stitching the remaining puffs until the bauble is completely covered

step five - add a ribbon to hang it up

and yep my window is still filthy but i've been busy making puffs!


Izabela said...

it is lovely!

Teresa aka Tess said...

Great jo0b, this is so pretty. I call these yoyo's and my mom would love a yoyo ball. She'd be tickled.

Pam said...

Thanks for the instructions. Lovely piece.

gtlady said...

Another wonderful xmas decoration, and great tutorial too and that tree on your xmas banner AMAZING!!!!!

Sara Lads said...

This is absolutely lovely! I've been making some puffs for friends lately and I'll definitely have try this one

Tia said...

I love how you created different sized and colored puff balls for this Christmas bauble.