Ages ago i took part in Meridian Ariel's "fairytale swap" - i meant to blog my swap gifts from Jo Lovejoy at the time but some pesky little boy ran off with it! He loves the little book with the textued pieces of jabberwocky skin and wing! I managed to get the book back and photographed before having to give it back - i also got a notebook and a bookmark - Jo enquired whether this was "dark" enough a tale for my taste - oh yes it sure is, as a child i was terrified of this poem which my parent's would relish in reciting to me "don't say that JabeRwOcKy" would be my fearful response - thanks Jo!!!!

loads of gorgeous fabric covered buttons from incywincystitches
and even cuter winter wonderland creatures - which i'm going to sew on to my black winter coat.
but i might just have go buy more . . .very soon!
oh and there were some cute strawberry shortcake hair bobbles but my daughter has them somewhere in the murky teenage depths of her bedroom!!!