We had a dusty old things day yesterday

we took the kids to a very dusty collection of war time memorabillia

now this is a really a cautionary tale

all this amazing stuff and there really is an unbelievable ammount of it
is one man's collection gotten big time out of control

my daughter had been {much to her disgust} as a school trip when she was younger and to her suprise had absolutely loved it and has been nagging us to go again for years - the boy is very into weapons and fascinated by the World Wars so we thought it would be a good trip out

he loved it and was realy interested in it all and as my daughter has recently
learnt about the wars in history she could tell him lots about what he was seeing

here they are trying out an air raid shelter!
they have a huge ammount of tanks and interesting vehicles
and in the past you were allowed to climb up onto them
but unfortunately and obviously much to the owners annoyance
health and safety now forbids this :(
It was unbelievably dusty there and could've done with a damn good spruce up
with a giant feather duster and an industrial spray can of Mr.Sheen,
i'm definately not a fussy clean freak but it pushed even my boundries.
On our way home from our annual Dawlish holiday last week we stopped off
at this fantastic antique/junk shop
i saw this amazingly steampunktastic
blow torch

how extremely cool is this?

i especially liked this dial/gauge thing

and this little twisty handle thing!
but i didn't buy it!
I kept thinking about it
annoyed with myself for being sensible and not buying it
so we went again on our way home from the war collection
i didn't buy it again!!!
There were so many cool and dusty and rusty old things there that i ended up
buying nothing again!!!
Me and my daughter did spend a couple quid on some bits of old jewellery
but nothing really special.

this was cool, i guess it was a predecessor to a photo copy machine?

my son loved all the old cameras
there was a big box full of them
and a massive old victorian one

collections of old bottles
all dusty and bedecked with cobwebs

rows of old clocks
but by far the most interesting thing to us
and old wooden tray

containing a poor little bird skeleton
all in all a very interesting day
full of dusty old things!!!