Last week i made this button tree - i'm sooooooooo pleased with it!
and just in case you didn't know - you can click on any of my photo's to see them BIGGER!!!
vintage button tree in mother-of-pearl button snow
vintage button tree - wooden spool tree - thimble tree & knitting nancy!

as it has many of my favourite buttons on i have only pinned them on with pearl-headed pins - so it can be dismantled after christmas.
{Incywincy says they look like fairy lights!}
It is made with a styrofoam cone shape re-cycled from a previous decoration i made years ago, i wrapped a piece of black felt{which was being thrown out by a friend of MIL's} around it and pinned this in place , then i covered the shape with a layer of green buttons with a few red ones and then started layering it up with lots of floral buttons and the three bakelite swallows and four gorgeous "bambi" buttons - i mainly stuck to green, red & black buttons but i can see me repeating this idea in candy colours for easter and i think it would look great as a hallow'een tree in purple, orange, green & black colourway too.
{This project is made with completely re-cycled supples the only thing i bought new were the pins and i'd bought them to go in the cupcake pincushion and had only used a few.}
unfortunately the photo's aren't as good as i'd of liked because the light quality has been awfull lately it's either been grey and overcast or the sunshine has been pouring through the window bleaching all the colours out!! I'm thinking about going on a basic photography course as i'd love to improve my photo's , i really need to force myself out of the house in the winter though as it's so nice and cosy indoors.
i went shopping today and went to the shop i used to work at {for sixteen years} and bought more styrofoam shapes - i might actually run out of suitable coloured buttons - i feel eBay calling!!! I was supposed to be making a start on christmas shopping today but was pretty much unsuccessful - if i only had to buy for little kids i'd do fine there are so many nice toys and books and clothes - grown ups are really hard to buy for especially MEN.
right i'm off to put more photo's on flickr, then an early-ish night as i'm working tomorrow - that's two days this week - i'm out of practice and will be exhausted by tea-time!!